Making a Difference for Those in Need

Rosenstengel familyWhen Jon Rosenstengel was 12 years old, he would often sneak into the back entrance of the YMCA in downtown Belleville, race up the stairs and rush to the gym for pickup basketball games. Jon had recently lost his father and money was tight. Years later, Jon learned that the front-desk staffer had covered his fees from her own pocket.

"Everyone has a Y story," Jon likes to say.

It's those stories that have kept Jon connected to the Gateway Region YMCA for more than 45 years. Whether it's sharing how a child with special needs thrived in Y programs, how a preschooler gained kindergarten readiness skills or how a young adult developed self-confidence in the swimming pool, Jon loves spreading the word about the Gateway Region YMCA's impact.

Jon is a member of the Metro board of directors and chair of both the Resource Development Committee and the 2021 Annual Campaign. For Jon, it was important to become a Lamplighter to help ensure that the Gateway Region YMCA always meets the needs of the community—including those who require financial assistance to take part in Y programs.

"Lamplighters protect the viability of the organization in good times and bad," Jon says. "When the pandemic hit, we knew we would survive in part because of the strong financial backing of the Lamplighter Society."

You can become a Lamplighter by making an outright or deferred gift, and if desired, you can direct the gift to a specific program or area. No matter how you choose to give, your support is critical.

"You are helping to build community," Jon says. "Your generosity will make a difference."

Protect the Viability of the Gateway Region YMCA

To discuss ways you can include the Gateway Region YMCA in your estate plan and become a Lamplighter, please contact Wendy Cornett-Marquitz, CFRE at or 314 436 1177 ext. 21640.