Giving Comes From This Couple’s Committed Heart

Bill Gavin and his family

Bill Gavin and his wife, Kate, and their family

Bill Gavin can't think of a day that didn't end with a Y, or at least have a Y in it. The YMCA has always played that big of a role in his life.

"I grew up in a Y," he says. From teaching water safety courses as a young man; to serving as a volunteer on campaigns, committees, boards of directors; and more, Bill is steady, committed and passionate about the value of the YMCA. Its purpose and place are too vital for him not to be.

"Every day thousands of kids, families, seniors—everyone is being positively affected by a Y," he says. "We instill Christian principles that subtly build a better society where everybody is honored for who they are; everybody is equal.

"If you're having a bad day, go to a Y," he adds. "When you walk into our centers, you know you're in a better place."

Bill and his wife, Kate, have stood as two of the YMCA's biggest champions through the years. Both are longtime members and volunteers. An award, The Bill Gavin Service to Youth Award, honors his enduring dedication.

Bill also has served in pivotal leadership roles, including as chairman of the board of directors during the merger and formation of the present-day Gateway Region YMCA.

Kate and Bill are equally committed to the YMCA through annual campaign and endowment gifts, and countless other giving opportunities.

"I really believe that $25 is as much as $25 million," he says of the value of everyone's gift. "It's not about the dollars you give; it's about connecting yourself to something that excites you—where your heart and giving intersect."

Learn more about giving with heart and making a difference at the Gateway Region YMCA. Contact Wendy Cornett-Marquitz, CFRE at 314 436 1177 ext. 21640 or for more information.